For the past three years, Barefoot College and Hogan Lovells have worked hand in hand to help improve the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in the developing world. The success of this partnership, which included the creation of the wonderful Flip the Switch documentary, was celebrated recently at Hogan Lovells’ Citizenship Celebration 2019.
Barefoot College has been privileged over the past three years to be the beneficiary of some of the 100,000+ hours of free advice and support that Hogan Lovells offers every year to communities, charities, schools, social enterprises and individuals who promote justice, inclusion, innovation, the environment, and human rights.
Whilst the event marked the end of Barefoot’s official fundraising relationship with the firm, it was an opportunity to reflect on and celebrate the real-world success that the partnership has achieved. The generosity and hard work of the Hogan Lovells employees and partners has been the biggest factor in making this partnership such a success, and the Citizenship Celebration was a fantastic opportunity to acknowledge this.
Sue Stevenson, Head of Global Partnership says, “It has been a great pleasure working with Hogan Lovells who share our values and don’t just help because it’s good for business but because they believe it is the right thing to do.
They have helped us train over 400 Solar Mamas who have gone on to electrify 20,000 homes and we are very grateful for their support.”
This partnership with Hogan Lovells has helped to fund Barefoot College’s many and varied programs that directly support and empower women in the developing world. Partnerships of this kind are essential to ensure that we can continue to train Solar Mamas all around the world, promote social enterprise opportunities and offer clean water, education and healthcare opportunities to the people who need them most.
Click for more global news from Barefoot College.